Friday, January 14, 2011

My dear, baby girl (:

I know you've been through alot, but always remember. Never let your worries and trouble bring you down alright? Remember the first picture we took in school? Just look at it, we were so much happier back then. What are worries and trouble? They're nothing! Don't let unhappy stuffs bring you down!

No matter what, I'll still be there for you. I'll never let you die anywhere alone. Be it, even while drinking, I'll never ever let you die alone too. Look at your faces! We're gone yet still able to take the same actions, this is fate baby! :D

Wet or dry, we'll still be as close as ever. Never part no matter what. We'll do everything together, even if it's whining over a dirty sandy mat, we'll whine together!

Even by celebrating my worst birthday ever! Drank like a pig, died like a pig. Had the craziest hangover ever! Camping infront of the toilet bowl was all I did. But still, we did it together!

Don't even need to think! Going through the dirtiest birthday celebration of yours! I did it too, no we did it together! We're not perfect, but we'll keep trying!

Going mad crazy over the same fan! Same dressing, same style, same dance, same moves, same attitute! What more can we ask for?

Clubbing and dancing like crazy together alone on the podium, remember? We own the tallest podium with out mat dance man! Hahaha! I wonder where did we get such big balls to do that eh?

Even sheesha! Get high due to over dosage of smoke, laugh like mad in the taxi on the way home for no god damn reason! We can basically laugh over almost anything that night! HAHA

Always remeber, I'll always be there for you ya! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! Always remember that, this year is going to be a better for the both of us. 2011 will be a happier year!

Ps: I love you alot, baby girl. You know it, no matter what happens, never go through it alone you here me? At least let me go through it with you, be it over friends, relationships, work, family, nonsense! Let me go through everything with you! I'm really really willing to! You're really someone very important to me and this bond of us will never break! We'll never part, NEVER! :B I love you, baby girl. I really do! (:

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