Sunday, March 20, 2011

6th Month, Anniversary! 180311

Double date movie with Jason, YY, baby and I. We caught the movie The man from nowhere. Though the show is kind of draggy but the overall was pretty awesome, especially the fighting part! Haha and after the movie.. err I can't really remember where did we head to? I think it was back to baby's crib? Ahhhh! Forget it -.- Just to say that my day was a happy and a good one. Hehe (:

First of all, I wanna tell you that I really love you alot, like from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for making me feel so blessed with you! And for the panda surprise and the card, it was awesome! Though I took like 10mins to actually understand what are you trying to say as your words are like ants! Haha but I love the note! Thanks for everything you've done, all the effort rushing around just to get me a surprise gift after gym! I really appreciate all the hard work! Last but not least, thanks for always being by my side, cheering me up when I was at the verge of breaking down, catching me whenever I fall and pulling me back up again. You're all I need. I love you, baby! Happy 6th month anniversary! <3

Oh! This is the panda that he got for me. Cute rightttttt? I love it okay! Hehe :B

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