Thursday, March 31, 2011

I love them!

Our face is like a cui!

290311, met my girls out to eat BCM nearby my place but I didn't get to eat due to my tummy upset. It's been close to a week and it's still the same ): I wonder when will it get better, I wanna eat good food! Due to work and school, our meet-ups got shortened. Damn sad okay! We used to meet-up like every single week but not it's been like close to a month! Sigh. But this short meet-up was indeed an awesome one! Never fail to crap about anything like seriously! Hehe

300311, was supposed to meet my cousin in the afternoon to town. But due to last minute changes she couldn't make it. I'm not the last minute kind of person, so don't make it happen! A day in advanced will be good. Stayed home the whole day, Alina was trying to download Blackshot but failed over don't-know-how-many-attempts until we pekcek! Gave up in the end as her lappy crashed!

310311, I know it's not exactly the day yet as it's currently only 520am in the morning. But yea, gonna be meeting my baby boy later in the evening after he books out from camp, I miss him like crazy okay! Doubt there'll be any plans for tmr night as we're going swimming on Friday with his sister! :D

Ohyaaaaaaaa! I killed a cockroach, awesome max! (Y)

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