Monday, April 4, 2011

Into the woods!

010411, baby and I headed down to Wisma as I need to get my hair done. That naughty boy so cute! I did treatment for my hair at it lasted for about an hour plus and that naughty boy just sat there and play his PSP all the way! He dint even get up to use the washroom or smoke break! Hehe thanks for accompanying me! :D

Met Jason and YY for botak Jones opp. Scape. I dint really eat much though, not hungry. Hehe! So while eating, we were planning to go kite-flying and we went to Scape to see if they still sell kites, but sad to say they don't sell it anymore! D:

Ended up heading to trail-walk near my house, lucky it was low tide if not we won't be able to see the bridge even! Took alot of pictures and I too gotta thank YY for taking a poloroid picture for us, hehe! Loveeeee it <3

020411, headed over to Jason's place as YY baked something for all of us to eat! Hw and Cherlyn came soon after. That chocolate is niceeeee! Was telling baby that I'm addicted to her chocolate already! It's that good okay! Had dinner at Jason's place and headed to 216 for Satay and Chicken wings! As usual, I'm not hungry so I dint eat. Hahaha! :B

030411, I hate Sundays as baby gotta book-in on that day! Which means it's another 5 more days not being able to see him! :/

But just received good news from him saying that this weekend might be a long one as he might be booking in next Saturday instead! Woohoo if only this was already confirmed, but was told not to put high hopes first and pray hard for him. I will, hehehehe! I love you <3

See my naughty boy, hehehe! <3

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