Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's gonna be a bumpy ride

Weekends' been the only time whereby baby and I could have our time together as he's still serving the army. For that, every single weekend spent with him will indeed be a special one like movies, hangouts with his friends etc. As for the weekdays, it would definitely be a torture to me as I'm already used to his existence, his presence. I'll always be telling myself like, "Hey, there's 3 more days to go" or like "He'll be calling me tonight, so fret not". So, not only did he call me only for the night but he did it every single night without fail! How blessedly can I get, like seriously? So, as for this week, it was a little bit different. By right he wasn't even allowed to bring his cellphone along with him for his mission. But for the sake of me, he did! Thanks honey for all that you've done that got me through those quiet nights. I love you! <3

Picture was taken quite sometime ago at a friend's place, cute right? Hehehe!

Ending my post with my naughty grumpy boy! Sorry, video couldn't be rotated :/

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