Thursday, June 23, 2011

A birthday filled with love

Well, I've decided to have a simple birthday this year. A birthday that I can spend with my loved ones would be more than enough for me. So as for this year, baby brought me out to have Swensens! Never failed to skip the egg dish whenever I'm there. Don't you find eggs nice? Well, they're awesome! Hehehe. So on my actual birthday, baby told me that he had stuffs to do and he won't be able to celebrate it with me as he's in camp. But never did I expect him to come knocking on my door! Aww, sweet max. So we all headed down to Chomp Chomp for dinner and to this ice-cream waffles place nearby to have my ice-cream! Can't deny that I'm the happiest girl that day. Love you people! <3

 Last but not least, thanks for all the birthday presents and wishes! :B

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